Top 10 Reasons You Should Consider a Pool Remodel

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Top 10 Reasons You Should Consider a Pool Remodel

Every homeowner wants an outdoor space that suits their aesthetic preferences. If you have a pool, it serves as the defining point of your backyard – and it should perfectly reflect your personal style and design scheme.

If your current space is outdated or doesn’t reflect your goals, remember: you always have the option to remodel your outdoor pool

Pool designs and technologies are always evolving, and the best way to keep your space updated is to continually add to and renovate it. At Great Escapes, we’re here to provide custom designs and recommendations. 

We’ve helped hundreds of Florida homeowners renovate their pools in the St. Petersburg area. In our experience, these are the top 10 reasons to consider a professional remodel: 

1. Enhance Safety Features 

Perhaps one of the most important reasons people look into pool remodeling services is for safety upgrades. You can’t put a price tag on making your outdoor space safer for residents and guests, especially young children (and even pets). 

fencing outside pool

We’ve overseen many pool safety remodels, which often include adding: 

  • Anti-slip surfaces
  • Safety-compliant pool fences 
  • Handrails 
  • Pool gate alarm systems

If your pool was built over a decade ago, pool security solutions have changed dramatically. It might be time to speak to a professional about better securing your outdoor space.

2. Improve the Equipment’s Energy Efficiency 

Monthly energy costs for a pool can range from $10 to $300. That’s a wide gap, and the energy efficiency of your pool equipment will largely determine your costs.

Many homeowners opt for a renovation to replace outdated equipment with more energy-efficient lighting fixtures, pumps, and heaters. This is a great way to minimize monthly utility bills and waste less energy while running your pool. 

3. Customize Your Backyard’s Aesthetics 

Top 10 Reasons You Should Consider a Pool Remodel 1

Your pool’s layout and features should reflect your personal style – not that of the owner before you. So, if you moved into a property that already had a pool in the backyard, you might want to consider renovating and customizing. 

Remodeling allows you to personalize tons of small details, from the pool’s finish to its tiles and fun design features. Talk to a designer about your ideal outdoor style and how you can achieve it through upgrades, additions, and enhancements. 

4. Increase Your Property Value 

pool remodeling increases property value

It’s no secret that a swimming pool can add significant value to a property – and remodeling an outdated pool can do the same thing. After all, people would much rather purchase a property with an updated, aesthetically pleasing pool than an old, inefficient one. 

As you consider remodeling, think about upgrades that could enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home and improve its functionality and value. Getting your space move-in-ready for the next owner can easily translate to a higher selling price in the future. 

5. Improve the Pool’s Functionality & Features

Speaking of improving pools for future users, why not improve its functionality for your life right now? Pool technology has advanced tremendously in the past 10 years, and remodeling offers you the chance to incorporate new, exciting features into your space. 

Pool Renovation

If your pool area is rather standard, now is an excellent time to incorporate functional and beautiful additions such as: 

All of these additions can make your space more usable for entertaining and daily activities. They can also increase the value of your backyard and open up the possibilities for future owners.  

6. Fix Existing Structural Issues 

If your pool hasn’t been updated in decades, it has likely started to experience general wear and tear. Pool remodeling services offer you the chance to address and rectify any existing structural issues that may have developed. 

fix structural damage

From cracks and leaks to deteriorating foundations, a professional pool remodeler will perform the necessary repairs and ensure your pool meets modern safety and building standards. 

Don’t wait to address outstanding issues. The longer you put them off, the more expensive (and dangerous) they can become. 

7. Improve the Water Quality 

You want your pool water to be clean and safe for everyone. Although old pool systems certainly help with this effort, today’s advanced filtration and circulation systems do a better job than those used in the past. 

Consider upgrading your water treatment methods during your pool remodel. A great pool contractor will recommend the best filtration system for your space to ensure it effectively removes impurities and debris. 

8. Make Maintenance More Cost-Effective 

In many cases, newer pool models and equipment require less upkeep than those of decades prior. Remodeling allows you to incorporate modern technology that reduces ongoing operational expenses and decreases the frequency of maintenance tasks. 

Nowadays, there are even AI pool robots to help with monotonous chores like cleaning. Ask your pool contractor for guidance on how you can upgrade your pool and its equipment to minimize maintenance requirements. 

9. Optimize Your Pool Space 

Pool Construction

Your pool should work for your lifestyle and use preferences. If it doesn’t, a remodel is a great way to optimize every inch of space and get more value out of your backyard.

Whether you want to expand the pool area, create designated zones for lounging, or redesign the pool’s layout to better accommodate your family’s needs, a professional remodel opens a world of possibilities. 

Even if you don’t know how you want to change your space, an experienced pool contractor will provide guidance on ways to better optimize the pool and its many features.

10. Personalize the Pool to Meet Your Preferences 

Lastly, a pool remodel allows you to change those things you just dislike about your current setup. Whether it’s a water feature that drives you crazy or the lack of a proper deep end, renovating grants the opportunity to truly personalize your pool. 

Take some time to identify what bugs you about your existing pool, what you like about other pools you’ve seen, and how you want to remodel your space. Then, contact a professional contractor to begin discussing the design possibilities. 

Pool Building Preparation

Planning a Florida Pool Remodel? Let’s Talk. 

At Great Escapes Custom Pools, we help Tampa Bay and St. Petersburg homeowners make big and small changes to their pools. 

From design updates to installing energy-efficient pumps, we’ve got you covered. Let’s work together to make your pool safer and more aesthetically pleasing.

If you think you’re ready to take the plunge with a pool remodel, contact our experts today. We’ll set up a free consultation and provide you with a price estimate for your upgrades. 

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